

List of Herbal & Description 

  • Acerola
  • Eucalyptus
  • Lithothame 
  • Siberian ginseng 
  • Alexandrian senna
  • Evening Primrose Oil
  • Maca
  • Soy Lecithin
  • Alfalfa
  • Fennel 
  • Marigold
  • Spirulina
  • Angelica
  • Fenugreek
  • Mate
  • St.Jhon's Wort
  • Artichoke
  • Feverfew
  • Meadowsweet
  • Starflower Oil
  • bacopa
  • Flax
  • Milk Thistle
  • Strain of yeast
  • bamboo
  • Flaxseed Oil
  • Nttle
  • Thyme
  • bearberry
  • Fumitory
  • Leaves
  • Turmeric
  • Bilberry
  • Garcinia
  • Nettle Root
  • Valerian
  • Bitter orange
  • Garlic 
  • Nopal
  • Vegetable Chitosan
  • Black Radish
  • ginger
  • Oat
  • Vegetable charoal
  • Blackcurrant
  • Ginkgo
  • Olive leaf
  • Wheat
  • Boldo
  • ginsent
  • Passiflora
  • White Deadnettle
  • Brewer's Yeast
  • Goji
  • Pelargonium
  • White Horehound
  • Durdock 
  • Grape Marc
  • Pineapple
  • Wild Pansy
  • Butcher's broom
  • Green Clay
  • pollen
  • Willow
  • Californian Poppy
  • Green Tea
  • Poppy
  • Witch Hazel
  • Carrot
  • Guarana
  • Propolis

  • Cherry Stalks
  • Hawkweed
  • Pumpkin Seed Oil

  • Chrysanthellum
  • Hawthorn
  • Red Clover

  • Cocoa 
  • Heather
  • Red Vine

  • Cod Liver Oil
  • Hops
  • Resveratrol

  • Common Plantain
  • Horehound
  • Rhodiola

  • Carnberry
  • Horse Chestnut
  • Rosemary

  • Crocus
  • Horsetail
  • Royal Jelly

  • Cypress
  • Ispaghula
  • Sage

  • Dandelion 
  • Java tea
  • Salmon Oil

  • Devil's Claw
  • Konjac Glucomannans
  • Saw Palmetto

  • Enchinacea
  • Krill Oil
  • Seaweed

  • Elderberry
  • Lemon balm
  • Shan Zha


Latin: Malpighia punicifolia 

Use: Fruit

Antioxidant, Immune Defense Stimulant, instant Tonic


Acerola is the fruit of a small shrub of the same name which grows wild in the dry forests fo South America, Central America, and Jamica. This small, brick red fruit that closely resembles a cherry is also known by the name barbadow cherry.


Natural vitamin C
Acerola contains trace elements of calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, vitamins A, B6, and most importantly, Vitamin C. Acerola even has 100 times more vitamin C than an orange compared with industrially produced crystalline ascorbic acid , the vitamin C in Acerola is always associated with other co-factors, namely bioflavonoids or vitamin p, which have similar properties adjuvant to those of vitamin C and which potentiate the vitamin effect. The qualities of Acerola are the same as those of vitamin C, making Acerola an excellent tonic. It stimulates immune functions and the body's defences. It is perfectly suited to handle a transient or persistent fatigue and to prevent winter infections such as influenza or ear, nose , and throat infections( rhinitis, othitis,pharyngitis, laryngitis, tracheiteis , bronchitis, etc). Vitamin C also eases the intestinal absorption of iron and thus, has an anti-anemic effect. When vitamin C is combined with Spirulina, which contains high amounts of Iron, it can better absorb the iron found in seaweed. finally, it represents an excellent complement to diets low in fruits and vegetables, and it is also recommended for smokers, who have an increased need of vitamin C.

2.Alexandrian Senna

Latin: Cassia angustifolia
Use: Leaflet
Alexandrian Senna

Treatment for occasional constipation in adults.


Alexandrian Senna, or Tinnevelly Senna, is cultivated in India forits lanceolate leaflets rich in senna glycosides.


A stimulating laxative
Senna leaflet have laxative properties, and can even have purgative properties, depending on the quantity used. In form of total powder capsules taken orally, the plant's leaflets produce their effect within approximately 10 hours: colonic activity is accelerated, the volume of stools increases due to a prtial inhibition or water absorption in the color, thus providing better hydration of  the stools. Like Burdock, Alexandrian Senna is a response treatment effective only for occasional constipation. It is not children, or use it for more than 10 days with adults.


Latin: Medicago sativa
Use:Juice of leaves

Fragile nails and brittle hair, asthenia, anemia, osteoporosis.


Essential mineralization

Traditionally, the juice of its leaves is used, as it is rich in proteins (40-50%), amino acids minerals such as calcium and trace elements ( silicon, iron, phosphorus, copper, zinc, selenium). Alfalfa is an excellent general stimulant, particularly with its beneficial remineralizing effects, helping to improve the problems of fragile nails, dull, brittle hair and splits ends and more generally , fatigue problems.


Latin: Angelica archangelica
Use: Root

Flatulence, Colitis, bloating, Abdominal pain and Spasms.


Angelica is essential a crop plant, but grows in the wild in the Alps and the Pyrenees. It has a large root that contains an essential oil which offers benefits for the entire digestive system.


Intestinal comport
Endowed with excellent antispasmodic properties, it targets colitis by effectively calming intestinal spasms and pain. Angelica ia a cholagogue, which means that it eases the discharge ofbile and facilitates digestion. It prevents the formation of intestinal gas and treats flatulence and bloating. 


Latin: Cynara scolymus
Use: leaves

Hepatobiliary Disorders, Constipation, Bad Digestion


This plant, which now occupies a prominent place in both the culinary and therapeutic worlds, is actually a non-throny variety of the wild cardoon found in Mediterranean regions. Appreciated by consumers for its fleshy body, it owes its therapeutic fame to the digestive properties of the side, deeply lobed leaves attached to its stem. 


The plant protector of the liver
Several French doctors during the first half of the twentieth century demonstrated interest in using Artichoke leaves to treat.
Hepatobiliary diseases in their work. The Artichoke choleretic action is attributed to a bitter, aromatic substance called cynarin. It is particularly useful for congestion or hepatic insufficiency , jaundice, and poor fat digestion. by stimulating bile secretion, Artichoke also targets constipation. Bile stimulates bowel movements, helping ease the discharge of fecal matter. Artichoke leaves contain. To benefit fully from the plant,s effects, the use of total plant powder is recommended. Artichoke appears to stimulate the regeneration of liver cells when they are exposed to various toxins. If this is confirmed through controlled clinical trials, the plant could be used as a hepatoprotective in patients with cirrhosis. It has also been demonstrated that Artichoke leaf possesses hypolipidemic and hypocholes - terolemic properties.


Latin: Bacopa Monniera
Use: Aerial Parts

Memory, Mental Concentration


Bacopa is common found in swamps and wet areas located in tropical regions along rivers and water ways in India and other Asian Countries it can be found at altitudes of up to 1300 meters above sea level. It is a small , creeping perennial that is smooth and it has small white flowers that grow on its long stalks.

Article :

Improved memory

Extensively studied in India and Australia, Bacopa is used in the treatment of hyperactive children suffering from attention disorders. In Australia, a double-blind study vs. Placebo was conducted with46 healthy adults who taook bacopa extract every day for 12 weeks. The results indicated that the extract improves the speed of information processing, as well as learning ability and memory, while also reducing anxiety. Research on Alzheimer's disease has been conducted since 2003. Many studies have also Many studies have also indicated that bacopa may improve cognitive abilities ( associative thinking, short-term memory, mental arithmetic, concentration, visual and auditory perception, etc.) and memory in students. It is the ideal plant to take before exams!


Latin: Bambusa vulgaris ou bambousa arundinacea
Use: Sap from the stem

Back Pain, Remineralization, Fracture Healing, Osteoporosis


Originally from India, bamboo is a reed that can reach over 10 meters high after particularly rapid growth (sometimes over 20 cm a day!). As part of their natural medicinal paractices, the Chinese harvest a sap known as "bamboosil" (tabashir in India), from the knots of the stems.


Cartilage reconstruction
Bamboo is a plant of choice because of the high silica content 75% of its sap (from the stem). This trace element which is found abundantly in nature is scarcely  found in "modern" diets. However, silicon is an important substance for the body, especially for the skin and bones. It stimulates the synthesis of collagen content in bone and connective tissues, thus facilitating the reconstruction of cartilage destroyed by diseases such as osteoarthritis. In addition to this beneficial action on the joints, it also has a remineralizing effect. It helps prevent bone demineralization, which is fesponsible for the widespread fragility of bones that occurs particularly during menopause. It is therefore a very good idea to regularly undergo a bamboo treatment. 


Latin: Arctostaphylos uva-ursi
Use: Leaves

Cystitis, Acute and Chronic Urinary tract Infections.


This small shrub with ling creeping stems forms small bushes that are found in the woods and rocky terrain of the northern hemisphere's mountainous regions. Its Latin name means "bear's grape," which refers to the starchy, mouth watering fruit that bears adore. Hoover, it is its small, bright evergreen leaves that are highly valued for their therapeutic properties. 


Feminine wellness
They contain a substance called arbutoside hydroquinone that is metabolized and excreted in the urine. This substance has pronounced antibacterial properties tat fight against Escherichia coli, a pathogen responsible for many urinary tract infections bear berry is also an important source o tannin's, which have anti-inflammatory and diuretic properties and help increase urine volume and renal excretion of the urea. bear-berry's effects are increased when combined with Heather , another urinary disinfectant,and can effectively treat bladder infections and prevent relapse when used as a disease modifying drug for at least two months. 


Latin: Vaccinium myrtillus
Use: Fruit (berry)

Diarrhea, colitis, Improved Night Vision.


Native to Europe and North America, the bilberry is frequently found in the forest underbrush or mountainous regions. It berries are bluish-black and are rich in anthocyanins and tannins. 


bilberry's Diarrhea and irritable bowel.
Bilberr's tannins have antidiarrheal properties and have a positive effect on intestinal pain and spasms linked to colitis. the berry's antidiarrheal properties are reinforced by the antibacterial effect it has on the intestine. Its pigments improve night vision b helping regenerate the eye's retinal purple. This helps the eye recover more easily after being over strained during the day, and also contributes to safer night driveng. It is interesting to point out its hypoglycemic effect on mild forms of non insulin-dependent diabetes.

10.Bitter Orange (Bigarade Orange) 

Latin: Citrus aurantium
Use: Fruit Peel 
Bitter Orange

Excess body weight, Obesity.


citrus aurantium, commonly referred to as Bitter Orange , is a tree native to East Africa and which belongs to the Rutaceae family. It has been used for many centuries for practical purposes in many parts of the world. In Spain, it is known as the Seville Orange. In china, it is called Zhi qiao . In France and the rest of Europe, it is better known as bitter Orange or Bi garage Orange. 


Fat burner
Until now, only the leaves and flowers of Citrus aurantium were used for their sedative effects in cases of nervousness. the slimming properties of this fruit's peel were discovered very recently. These properties come from synephrine, the substance found in the pericarp (the lower layer of the peel). Synephrine specifically targets receptors located on the surface of adipocytes (fat tissue cells). It has threefold action to stimulate fat harnessing and burning while increasing thermogenesis (calorie burning). a natural process responsible for the slimming effect. Citrus aurantium offers an adapted answer for pe9ople who are overweight. 

11.Black Radish

Latin: Raphanus sativus
Use: Root
Black Radish

Difficult digestion, Hepatic Problems, Hepatitis Migraines, Upset Stomach.


The plant for sluggish livers
It contains organic sulfurous compounds, which help detoxify the liver ad the gallbladder, and eliminate toxins and waste. black Radish is recommended to soothe these organs when they under strain caused by dietary changes during seasonal transitions or by holiday overeating. Its choleretic properties(stimulating bile secretion ) and cholagogue properties (easing the flow of bile) are able to soothe hepatic and bile problems (hepatic deficiencies, hepatic migraines, digestive allergies, etc.) However , Black radish Should not be used in the event blocked bile ducts.  


Latin: Ribes Nigrum
Use: Leaves
Black Currant 
Rheumatic and Articular pain , Osteoarthritis, Gout.


This thick and fragrant shrub, sometimes referred to as "cassis," is native to Northern and Eastern Europe. It very quickly spread throughout the temperate regions of the NOrtern Hemisphere. in France, especially the region of Burgundy, it is grown for its fruit, small black berries which are cherished by lovers of fine food and are used to produce the famous liqueur known by the same name. Its leaves have a pleasant aroma and have long been recognized for their anti-rheumatic and diuretic properties. 


The rheumatism plant
blackcurrant leaves are rich in flavonoids (rutoside and hyperoside), tannins, and vitamins C and P. Thanks to their anti rheumatic and anti-inflammatory properties, they efficiently target occurrences of acute or chronic (known as rheumatic) joint pain, especially with osteoarthritis pain located in the knee joint. blackcurrant leaves are also a powerful diuretic which helps eliminate waste ( uric acid and toxins) from the body. With all of these properties, blackcurrant leaves are recommended for use as a disease-modifying drug for gout.


Latin: Peumus boldus
Use: Leaf 

Constipation, Indigestion Hepatic Insufficiency


Boldo is and evergreen shrub with yellow and white flowers that grows on the dry, sunny mountainsides of central china. 


A tonic plant for the liver.
Boldo leaf has interesting cholagogue ( increasing bile secretion) and choleretic (discharge facilitating) properties. Its main role is facilitating bowel passage. Its properties result from the presence of an essential oil rich in cineole and ascaridole, many alkaloids (a dozen, the best known being Boldine) and flavones. The synergy of these alkaloids, flavones, and essential oils is the basis of boldo's hepatostimulating action that facilitates digestion and movement of the bolus, effectively fighting constipation due to intestinal stasis. Boldo is the ideal plant for aiding digestion after a large meal. Boldo leaf increases the secretion of saliva in individuals suffering from dry mouth. For optimal activity, it is necessary to use the total power of the freeze-ground leaves, which preserves the integrity of the essential oil.

14.Brewer's Yeast

Latin: Saccharomyces cerevisiae et Saccharomyces boulardii.
Use: Flakes
Brewer's yeast

Restoring intestinal Flora, Dry and Lifeless Skin, Cracked Nails and Damaged Hair, Immunostimulant, Diarrhea.


Brewer's Yeast consists of round or oval cells, either isolated or in chains, which are microscopic fungi that naturally grow on certain fruits or in Wort. 


Skin -deep beauty.
The effect is particularly pronounced for dry, fatigued skin, for brittle nails, and for lifeless hair with split ends. Brewer's Yeast helps acne-prone skin thanks to its antibacterial properties. Due to its composition, Brewer's Yeast increases resistance to fatigue and helps relieve stress. It is also an ideal supplement for preventing hair loss in women who have recently given birth, a common problem. Brewer's Yeast i s strongly recommended for those suffering from anemia, as well as for people with a low tolerance for physical activity. Taking Brewer's Yeast unleashes an army of living cells into the body that not only attack toxins circulating in the blood, but also increase the efficiency of the immune system, especially in response to common winter infections. "Revival" Brewer's Yeast is the most active because it guarantees the highest percentage of live yeast (1 billion per gram).


Latin: Arctium lappa
Use: Root

Acne, Eczema, Skin Infections.


This sturdy biennial plant, very commonly found in temperate regions, is the joy of children who shower each other with its fruit. Bristled with small hooks, the burrs are often called "hitchhikers".


Clear Skin
Burdock root is a major source of insulin, a carbohydrate-like starch whose action is similar to penicillin. It also contains Polyenes,, substances with antibacterial and anti fungal properties. these substances are useful in treating many skin conditions such as acne, eczema, boils abscesses or even psoriasis. This action is reinforced by the purifying properties of the plant, related to the presence of amino alcohols. These compounds drain the body of all toxins that contribute to the appearance of pimples, and eases their elimination at the level of the liver and the kidneys . burdock is also recommended for oily skin problems.

Latin: Eschscholtzia californica 
Use: Flowering aerial pa 
Californian Poppy
Difficulty Falling Asleep in Adults and Children , Anxiety, Nightmares.


This beautiful plant from the poppy family is native to California. It was introduced to Europe in the 19th century as a decorative plant. Its numerous, bright yellow -orange flowers fill the Camargue region in the south of France, where it has become naturalized. 


The plant for restorative and peaceful sleep. 
Very recently, various scientific studies have demonstrated the presence of a natural hypnotic from the alkaloid family, californidine, whose advantage is that it is non-habit forming. This compound has a beneficial effect on the quality of sleep during the sleep onset phase, as well as nighttime awakenings and nightmares. sedative without being a narcotic, this plant is well-tolerated, especially by children. It clams the intense agitation experienced by some children before they fall asleep. A natural anxiolytic, Californian Poppy fights stress and reduces nervousness which causes sleep disorders in both adults and children. As it is hon-habit forming, and free of toxins and side effects, this plant is a good alternative to hypnotics which are currently in use. because of it its antispasmodic properties, Californian Poppy is recommended for reducing pain or cramps associated with sleep disorders. Finally , this plant is very well suited for people with psoriasis that worsens with emotional shock or anxiety. 


Latin: Daucus Carota
Use : Root

Skin Beauty,l Tanning preparation, Night vision, Disorders.


A plant that grows in fields and on hillsides, carrot root is harvested throughout Europe for consumption as food. 


The sun on your skin.
In Physiotherapy, its interest comes from the presence of a precious substance, beta-carotene, which is converted in the body to vitamin A or "retioanl" (hence the name pro vitamin-A) . Beta -carotene works to enhance skin beauty. It prepares the body for sun exposure, improves the tanning process, and helps prevent sun allergies by increasing melanin production. This substance protective effect on cells strengthens the skin resistance against harsh ultraviolet rays. It has been demonstrated that a vitamin A deficiency quickly results in "nyctalopia" or night blindness. Carrot is known to improve night vision and also increase visual acuity. Lastly, it is beneficial for growth spurts as it eases protein assimilation and tissue formation. It contributes to overall health and beauty of skin. carrot is a natural source of beta-carotene that is converted to vitamin A based on body needs. therefore , it does not present a risk of hypervitaminosis, allowing it to be used by everyone. 

18.Cherry Stalks

Latin: Prunus Cerasus
Use: Stem of the fruit
Cherry Stalks

Diuretic, Depurative


Reputation as a diuretic
These actions come from its content of flavonoids and potassium salts. These elements stimulate urinary and digestive discharge, effectively "cleansing" the entire body of accumulated toxins. The Cherry Stalks is the remedy of choice for combating water retention. Its diuretic action is safe and does not have any undesirabnle side effect , making it very useful for balanced weighty loss diets, as well as for combating urinary tract inflammation associated with urinary tract infections. By stimulating dieresis, it also eases bladder stone elimination and treats moderate hypertension


Latin: Chrysanthellum americanum
Use: Entire plant
Poor circulation in extremities, arthritis in lower limbs.

A plant found in the mountainous regions of South America and in the savannas and highlands fo Africa, Chrysanthellum or "Chrysanthelle" was discovered in Europe in recently years.


The vein energy plant.
Chrysanthellum's richness in flavonoids and sapoinins has a beneficial effect on the circulatory system. It improves arteritis in the lower limbs and the microcirculation in extremities. It is used for cases of Raynaud's disease and for people suffering from poor circulation in their feet and hands. Its veinotonic action relieves heavy legs. Chrysanthellum is Chrysanthellunm is hepatoprotective: it protects the liver from overeating, poisoning and sequela of viral hepatitis and cirrhosis. It also protects t5he pancreas in chronic pancreatitis. It is a choleretic, stimulating bile secretion and digestion.


Latin: Theobroma cacao
Use: Cocoa beans

Deep fat elimination


Easy weighty loss
Long recognized for its antidepressant qualities which come from phenylethylamine, Cocoa's properties continue to be discovered every day. The main active ingredients in Cocoa belong to the family of xanthines such as theobromine, a "cousin" of caffeine, which stimulates the nervous system. theobromine is a diuretic and increases thermogenesis. However, Cocoa main interest comes from its high levels of polyphenols which work to increase calorie loss. Their action targets two functions in the body. First, they inhibit the action of digestive enzymes and thus block lipid absorption in the intestine. Secondly, they inhibit the enzymes responsible for adrenaline degradation in the bloodstream. With these two mechanisms, polyphenols contribute to weight loss. This in turn increases thermogenesis and lipolysis.

21.Cod Liver Oil

Use: Oil extracted from the cod's liver
Cod Liver Oil

Growth and intellectual development in children, osteoporosis, fractures.

This large cold-water fish is of particularly interest because of an oil rich in vitamins A and D that is extracted from it's liver. Although generations of children have grimaced at its bad tastes, the oil's nutritional value has been fully demonstrated. Ingesting it in capsule form can circumvent any understandable apprehension of its taste.

For promising growth
Cod Liver Oil is particularly useful because it naturally contains vitamins A and C. Vitamin A is an antioxidant vital to several functions of our organism. It is essential for our organism. It is also contributes to good vision and healthy skin. Vitamin D ensures calcium absorption that contributes to strengthening the bone structure of both children and adults - thus fighting off osteoporosis. Even a partial deficiency can have serious consequences: during adolescence, acquiring bone density can be compromised, while during and after menopause, loss of bone density can be accelerated. In addition, the oil's essential fatty acids improve the fluidity of membranes, which stimulates the healthy growth and the proper functioning of the nervous system. It is an indispensable complement to a child's healthy growth as well as the pre-emptor of bone issues in mature adults.

22.Common Plantain

Latin: Plantago major
Use: Leaves
Common Plantain

Asthma, cough, laryngitis, hay fever, sinusitis.

Common Plantain is found throughout France, in fields and along footpaths. Its leaves are tender when young and grow close to the ground in the shape of pretty rosettes.


An antiallergenic for the respiratory tract.
The Common Plantain's leaves contain irridoids, principally aucuboside. Aucuboside has antibacterial and antitussive properties useful in treating bronchial and pulmonary ailments. the leaves' mucilage soothes, emulsifies and improves expectoration. In addition, Common Plantain is also anti inflammatory and anti-allergenic. It is therefore a valuable ally when dealing with any allergic respiratory problems, inflammation caused by bronchitis, pharyngitis, or laryngitis, a well a skin allergies.


Latin: Vaccinium Macrocarpon
Use: Fruit

Prevention of recurrent urinary tract infections(Cystitis)



An antibacterial for the urinary system.
In 1923, long before the discovery of antibiotics, American doctors prescribed Cranberry to reduce recurrent urinary tract infections. It was believed that its effect occurred through urine acidification caused by the plant highly acidic juice. This hypothesis was rejected in the late 1950s, but it was not until 1984 that the plant's effects were scientifically explained. In fact, ingesting Cranberry changes the chemical composition of urine in order to inhibit bacteria from binding to the walls of the urinary tract, especially Escherichia coli. this action appears to come from the presence of various substances of high molecular weight within the plant, such as proanthocynidins. this mode of action is not bactericidal and resistance phenomena do not occur, which offers an alternative to antibiotic treatments and represents a new strategic approach. Thus, Cranberry is a new way to prevent urinary tract infections, reducing the use of antibiotics and their undesirable side effects. Given the results of several recent clinical studies, the use of Cranberry reduces the number of urinary tract infections by 20% to 500% each year.


Latin: Crocus sativus
Use: spiracle

Depression, low morale, emotional imbalance.


An incredible natural antidepressant.
Traditionally known as a bearer of joy, it is commonly used in Persian medicine to treat depression. This traditional use has been confirmed through several recent studies which have demonstrated it to be equivalent to one of the most well-known chemical antidepressants, fluoxetine. Natural, free of side effects, and equally as effective, Crocus sativa s is the plant of choice ofr preventing symptoms of depression and help keep up morale for any situation. rich in essential oils and vitamins, it has a positive effect on the nervous system and also calms digestive and menstrual pain. Saffron is also a very frequently falsified product, usually "cut" with turmeric or paprika. Choosing Crocus sativa s is therefore a guarantee of quality. Sometimes, Saffron is also confused with "meadow crocus" , which can be toxic. It is very close to Crocus sativas from a botanical viewpoint.

Latin: Cupressus sempervirens
Use: Fruit-bearing cone

Varicose veins, hemorrhoids, heavy legs.

Originally from the areas surrounding the Aegean Sea, Cypress is mainly grown for decorative southern Europe. 


Improved blood circulation
The composition of its cones, rich in polyphenols, is of great interest in the treatment of vascular disorders such as hemorrhoids and varicose veins. The flavonoids have an anti-inflammatory action that is also very useful in the treatment of hemorrhoidal attacks. Cypress contains a high level of oilgomeric proanthocyanidins with veinotonic properties sought for the treatment of heavy legs. These proanthocyanidins play a role in protection  membranes from oxidation caused by free radicals. Through selective attachment ot vessel walls, they create better vascular dynamics, preventing blood from stagnating in the legs. One study demonstrated that Cypress, when used in capsule form, presented better activity targeting the functional symptoms of venous insufficiency than treatment with a conventional phlebotonic, and did not have any side effects.


Latin: Taraxacum Officinate
Use: Root

Detoxifier, prevention of bile and kidney stones.

The name "dandelion"from the French "dent-de-lion," meaning "lion's tooth," because of the jagged edges of its leaves. It is a perennial plant that grows throughout the world.


A powerful detoxificant
Dandelion is sought after for its reliable diuretic properties with no undesirable side effects. It can cleanse the entire body by eliminating accumulated toxins. Dandelion helps with digestive functions by increasing the flow of bile and by stimulating sluggish livers. The overall "cleansing" properties of the Dandelion can help prevent bile and kidney stones from forming. 

Latin: Harpagophytum procumbens
Use: Lateral root
Devil's Claw

Rheumatism, Degenerative Joint Disease, Arthritis, tendinitis.


The joint benefactor
Devil's Claw roots are rich in the glucoiridoids harpagoside and procumbide, which have undeniable anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. Today, devil's claw's benefits in treating painful joints, rheumatism, joint disease, arthritis and tendinitis are universally recognized. Studies conducted over several months for patients with degenerative joint disease  have demonstrated that this plant significantly improves patient comfort. Joint mobility and flexibility is drastically increased without any undesirable side effects, even on the stomach. Devil's Claw's effect on inflammation is distinct from that NSAIDs. The latter inhibit prostaglandin biosynthesis and have a number of undesirable side effects, including stomach pain. Devil's claw is therefore an attractive substitute for conventional anti-inflammation treatments. This plant is reported to have positive results for athletes suffering from conditions such as tendinitis and exercise-induced joint pain. 


Latin: Echinacea Purpurea
Use: Root

Immunostimulant, prevention of virus diseases


Familiar to North American Indians who used it to treat snakebites and wounds, Echinacea was the most used plant in the United States during the 19th century. Its, root, which is dug up in the spring after four years of cultivation, contains many active ingredients which boast immunistimulant properties. 


The natural immunostimulant.
The many components of the roots are organized to fight against unwanted invaders with a highly effective immune defense system. Polysaccharides and alkamides have both been identified. These ingredients specifically work by increasing white blood cell levels and stimulating the synthesis of interferon, a molecule essential to immunity. Various clinical studies have demonstrated Echinacea immunostimulant activity in various diseases caused by a weak or deficient immune system. Research has focused primarily on the effects of Echinacea in treating the common cold and chronic respiratory diseases. Analyses of the results or five different clinical studies support Echinacea's immunomodulatory activity. Non-toxic and with no side effects, Echinacea is a valuable plant to take as a one to three-month treatment before the winter starts for protection against repeated infections. It can also be used for preventative purposes when the body is under stress or experiencing weakening physical or moral conditions which suppress the immune system. 


Latin: Sambucus Nigra
Use: Berries

flu symptoms, purifier

black Elderberry is a 2 to 5 m tall bush with white or cream-colored flowers that  can live for more than 100 years. though it has grown near human habitation since the earliest times, Elderberry became uppopular in the last century due to its unplasently strong odor. Its edible berries are umbrella-shaped and are very well-liked by birds. 


A flu-fighting super berry.
Elderberry has clinically demonstrated efficacy in fighting against flu symptoms-after only 4 days taking a daily dose of 400 mf, a significant decrease in flu-induced pain, nasal congestion and cough was observed. the berries of the Elderberry are rich in tannin's and anthocyanins which help the body remove and eliminate the flu virus. At the first sing of flu symptoms, taking elderberry along with Geranium prevents super-infection. In addition to its antiviral properties, Elderberry berries stimulate elimination of water and toxins, as well as perspiration. 


Latin: Eucalyptus globulus
Use: Leaves

Acute and chronic bronchitis, cough, colds.


A large ornamental tree native to Australia , Eucalyptus was introduced to the Provence region of southern France and has since become naturalized. 


A respiratory plant 
Eucalyptus' very fragrant leaves are rich in an essential oil whose main component is eucalyptus. the essential oil is mucolytic, meaning that it thins lung secretions, thus stimulating their discharge. It is antitussive and removes bronchi irritation associated with acute and chronic bronchitis. It also possesses good antibacterial activity. Eucalyptus leaf is recommended for the treatment of respiratory system infections, particularly because its essential oil is largely eliminated through the lungs, allowing it to directly target the throat and bronchi. As is active part is the essential oil, which is both volatile and fragile, the total plant powder is recommended to prevent any loss of activity. 

31.Evening Primrose Oil

Latin: Oenothera biennis
Use: Oil extracted from the seeds
Evening Primrose Oil

Premenstrual syndrome (Irritability , Mammary Tension, Water retention)


The evening Primrose, also known as "Evening Primrose," is native to North America. It is a lovely robust plant with large yellow flowers that open at dusk. It thrives in rocky and sandy soil, and grows along roadsides or in fallow fields. 


Women's wellness
Miniscule amounts of precious oil are extracted from the seeds through first cold pressing. this oil is very rich in essential fatty acids and is a natural source of approximately 9% of linoleic acid and gamma-linoleic acid , to which it owes its great therapeutic efficacy. gamma-linoleic acid is a direct precursor for prostaglandin E1, and it counters the effects of the protein prolactin: at high levels, this protein can cause the problems linked to premenstrual syndrome, including mammary tension, abdominal bloating due to water retention, migraines and other mood disorders. Linoleic acid helps keep skin supple and hydrated . In addition, this source of omega-3 will enhance the effects of gamma-linoleic acid in improving mood disorders. there is no doubt as to the usefulness of Evening Primrose Oil in the treatment of premenstrual syndrome, and it is of interest for all women who suffer from it regularly.


Latin: Foeniculum
Use: Fruit

Antispasmodic, colitis, gastritis, flatulence, bloating, irritable bowel.


Fennel is a large aromatic plant that is native to the Mediterranean basin. it is currently cultivated in Europe, as well as in Asia and the United States. It grows near country homes, on the edges of fields and roads, and on the seaside. Used since ancient times for its restorative and anti-parasitic qualities, it was also said to have the power to ward off evil spirits. 


The fruit for digestive relief.
The fruit (or seeds) of this plant, which is rich in an essential oil with a characteristic aroma, is used for its medicinal properties. In addition to its ability to stimulate digestion, it has the power to calm spasms and abdominal pain (gastritis, colitis). Fennel helps prevent the formation of intestinal gas by blocking the food fermentation process in the digestive phase. It offers a perfect response to problems of flatulence, which cause great discomfort and embarrassment. A clinical study conducted in 1990 demonstrated that Fennel is very effective in combating digestion problems such as bloating, postprandial heaviness, flatulence and nausea. Fennel is recommended for women who are breastfeeding because it stimulates milk production and prevents infant colitis. 


Latin: Trigonella foenum-graecum
Use: Seeds

Lack of appetite, diabetes. 


Native to the Mediterranean region, Fenugreek is an herb grown around the world, particularly in India and china. its Latin name comes from its many triangular-shaped flowers.


Weight gain.
Its seeds, which are fawn-colored and contained in pods, are rich in proteins , lipids, and sapogenins. they stimulate the appetites of people who have difficulty eating. fenugreek also targets weight loss caused by metabolic disorders by regulating pancreatic secretion, especially that of insulin, which is often impaired in people who have involuntarily lost weight loss caused by metabolic disorders by regulating pancreatic secretion, especially that of insulin, which is often impaired in people who have involuntarily lost weight. Fenugreek is used by bodybuilders who wish to increase their muscle mass and volume. because of its regulatory action on insulin levels, Fenugreek is also recommended for the treatment of non-insulin dependent diabetes . A study by a team of researchers in Montpelier effectively isolated an amino acid that stimulates insulin production and is believed to be responsible for Fenugreekl's hypoglycemic activity. Lipid and cholesterol-lowering activates were also observed. Furthermore, Fenugreek stimulates increased milk production in breastfeeding women.




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