Thursday, March 15, 2018

Minerals Tips -2

  • It is required for absorption of iron.
  • It is also good for the bones, and regulates sugar.
  • Tiny amounts of copper are necessary for the formation hemoglobin.
  • It catalyses the  oxidation of the ferrous ion to ferric ion, and thereby enables iron to be trapped by transferring, the protein carrying iron in the body. It is then transported to tissues for the synthesis of iron-tissues for the synthesis of iron-containing compounds, mainly hemoglobin.
  • It also forms and integral part of certain enzymes likes tyrosinase, uricase, oxidase, cytochrome etc. 
  • It makes an amino acid tyro sine,usable, which works for pigmentation in hair and skin.
  • It is also essential for utilization of vitamin C.
  • Copper strengthens the muscular system and is thus believed help in treating arthritis. People drink water kept in copper vessels and also wear copper ring or bracelet to get relief from this disease.
Natural Source

Copper is found in fresh and dried fruit, green and leafy vegetables. It is available in liver,kidney, shellfish, and dried legumes.
Milk is poor in copper.
Soft water has more copper than the reservoir water.

Daily Requirement:

The RDA of 0.4-0.7 mg for infants,0.7-2.5 mg for children , and 1.5-3 mg for adults is considered safe and adequate daily dietary intakes. Normal mixed diet is quite adequate.

  • Fluorine is essential for the normal mineralization of dental enamel.Thus 96% of the Fluoride in the body is found in bones and teeth. The Fluorine and Calcium has strong affinity between them and work together, mainly in the outer parts of bones.
  • Fluorine prevents dental caries, by reducing the solubility of the enamel in acids produced by bacteria. Avery small amount of it may help in development of tooth, but excess of it cause dental fluorosis-endemic areas.

Natural Source:

The Fluorine is found in traces in water, and food. Sea food, cheese, and tea are good sources.

Daily Requirement:

The safe and adequate RDA of Fluoride in the diet is 0.25 mg for children and 1.5 to 4.0 mg for adults. On an average we ingest about 1 mg of Fluoride daily from drinking water, and 0.25-0.35 mg from the diet. The drinking water should not contain more than 1-2 mg of Fluoride per litre.

In case of excessive content DE- fluoridation of water should be done by adding two chemicals lime and alum in sequence followed by flocculation, sedimentation and filtration. Prolonged drinking of water containing Fluorine over 10 ppm. or handling of fluoride containing minerals can cause Fluorine intoxication, leading to pathological changes like increased density and hyper calcification of the bones. 

  • It reduces tension, keeps body and ming calm, and keeps skin, hair teeth, nail etc in healthy condition and form.
  • It helps in the chemical synthesis of cholesterol, thus checking its build up in arteries. 
  • It also burn extra fat in the body.
  • It increases the heart rate as well as urinary calcium excretion.

Natural Source:

Iodine is available in traces in water ,food, common salts.
Iodine found in sea-water is 0.2 mg per liter. Sea weeds and spongy shells are very rich in Iodine. 
The best source are sea fish, sea salt, green vegetables and leaves like spinach grown on iodine rich soil. The common sources are milk, meat, and cereals.
About 90% of the iodine intake is obtained fro the food consumed,and the remainder from the water.
Common salt fortified with small quantities of sodium or potassium iodate is now compulsorily made available in the market as lodised Salt to check goitre.

Daily Requirement:

The RDA is 80 mcg for children and 150 mcg for growing children, pregnant and lactating women is more.

1 comment:

Many Many Thanks for Your Excellent Comments .