Friday, March 16, 2018

Minerals Tips:4



  • It helps in weight gain in children.
  • It strengthens the body's immune system by producing more of anti-bodies.
  • It also improves the function of the phagocyte cells which destroy bacteria fungi and viruses.
  • When combined with vitamin E, it has a synergistic effect, and they act better as anti-oxidant and anti-aging factors.
  • It protects against cell membranes and tissue damage.
  • It protects against heart disease.
  • It reduces risk of pancreatic and colon cancer.
  • It reduces symptoms of shingles.
  • It also reduces asthma attacks.
  • It regenerates damaged liver, alleviates menopausal distress.
  • It checks dandruff, and neutralizes certain carcinogens.
Natural Source:

Wholegrain cereals are best sources of selenium.

Daily Requriement:

The RDA of 20-3 mcg for children, 40-70 mcg for man, 45-55 mcg for women, is recommended.




  • It is necessary for the synthesis of Vitamin B1 or thiamine in the body.
  • It is essential for proper functioning of nerve cells and tissues.
  • It provides strength to the bones.
  • It helps in growth of hair, nails, and teeth.
  • It makes shiny skin and brings brightness of eyes.
  • It helps to heal faster and protect against tuberculosis, skin and mucous membranes disorders.
  • It also controls transmission of nerve impulses.

Natural Source:

Sources of silicon are whole grans, mullets, corn, fruits like apple , guava, orange, raisin, honey, cherries; nuts like almonds, dates, walnuts, groundnuts; vegetables; vegetables like cucumber, celery, onions, cabbage, spinach, endives, carrots, turnips, eggplants, red beets, pumpkin and fish etc.

Daily Requirement:

Only minute amount of silicon in daily diets is sufficient.

  • It is essential for the normal function of the cells.
  • It is essential for the contraction of the muscles.
  • It initiates and maintains contraction of heart.
  • It excites nerves, being neuron excitation as opposed to calcium ions.
  • It helps in glucose absorption and for the transportation of other nutrients across cell membranes.As sodium compounds its functions are.
  • It maintains blood reaction, by acting as buffer and phenomenon of chloride shift.
  • It controls reaction of urine, by altering the proportion of acid and alkaline phosphates in the kidneys.
  • It regulates reaction of pancreatic juice and bile due to sodium carbonate.
  • It maintains osmotic pressure, as sodium chloride is the chief regulator of the pressure of the body fluids.
  • It helps in the formation of hydroelectric acid of gastric juice, since sodium chloride takes part in various reactions in the stomach.
  • It rectifies defective fat absorption.
  • It maintains water balance.
Natural source:

Sodium occurs in many foods like milk and vegetables, and is added as common salts during cooking. It is present in whole meal flour, bread, celery, bananas, water, and legumes, green and leafy vegetables; beetroot, fruits, fish and meat.

Daily Requirement:

The daily requirement as sodium chloride is 10-15 mg but normally the consumption is much above this. The requirement of sodium chloride depends upon climate, occupation and physical activity. People engaged in hard work will need more.



  • The sulphur in the body in the body purifies blood, acids healthy digestion and presents toxic build-up.
  • It maintains hardness with some elasticity in nails, hair and cartilages.
  • It helps to maintain blood reaction constant.
  • It helps in carrying of oxygen and oxidative processes of the body.
  • It takes part in tissue oxidation as a constituent of thiamine and biotin.
Natural Source:

Sulphur is found is grams, fruits and vegetables.

Daily Requirement:

The high protein diet provides adequate sulphur.


  • It helps in metabolism of sugar and cholesterol in the body.
  • It is considered good in preventing heart attacks and diabetes.
Natural Source:

Sources of vanadium are corn, buckwheat, garlic , wheat whole, radish, olive oil, apples, green beans, cabbage, carrot, tomatoes, onions, beet root , peanut, parsley, sunflower oil, lettuce and plum.

Daily Requirement:

The RDA is taken as 1-4 mcg for adults. This quantity is supplied in our daily normal diet.



  • It is integral and essential element of insulin molecule. It easily forms a compound with insulin, and thus prolongs insulin action. As pancreas is rich in zine, it helps storage of insulin in the pancreas.
  • It promotes growth and sexual maturity, implroves immune system and hastens healing of wounds.
  • It also helps digestion of protein.
  • It is an ideal remedy for fatigue.
  • It is also needed to transport Vitamin A to the retina.
Natural Source:

Sources of zinc are whole wheat, breakfast cereals , nuts, legumes, animal food, like carbs, sardines, oysters, lean meat, eggs, cheese, and fish.

Daily Source:

The RDA of 3 mg for infants, 10 mg for children, and 10-15 mg for adults is suggested. Most human diet provides these requirements. Growing children , pregnant and lactation women need more.

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