Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Tips:2 Vitamin D,K & E Function and source

Vitamin D:

  • It favors calcium absorption from the intestine by enhancing the rate of active transport of calcium across the intestinal wall.
  • It promotes absorption of phosphate.
  • It maintains normal structure of bone and helps in resorption of calcium from fully calcified bone and calcification of new bone. 
  • It governs equilibrium between the bone calcium and blood calcium by controlling mobilization of calcium from the bones.
  • It regulates excretion of calcium and handling of phosphate by kidneys.
  • It helps in development of normal teeth.
  • It is responsible for proper bone growth by promoting endochondral growth of long bones.
  • It increases the cit rate content of bone, blood and other tissues, and urinary excretion.

Natural Source:

Vitamin D is unique because it is derived both from sunlight and foods.

Sunlight: Vitamin D is synthesized by the body by the action of UV rays of sunlight of 7                     
dehydrocholesterol,  which is stored in large abundance in the skin.

Foods: Vitamin occurs by only in the foods of animal origin Liver, egg yolk, butter and cheese and some species of fish contain useful amounts. Fish liver oils, although not considered to be a food are the richest sources of Vitamin D.

Other sources of vitamin D are foods artificially fortified with vitamin D, such as milk, margarine, vanaspathi and infant foods.

Daily Requirement:

The RDA is 400-800 I.U (10-20 mcg) for infants below 1 year, 400 I.U (10 mcg) for children and up to 20 years I.U(5 mcg) for adults, and 400-800 I.U for women in latter half of pregnancy and lactating period.


  • It prevents frequent miscarriage in menopausal women.
  • It relieves hot flushes and depression in menopausal women.
  • It is essential for normal function of muscles.
  • It prevents per oxidation and brown pigmentation due to formation of highly unsaturated fatty acids.
  • It prevents hepatic necrosis caused by deficiency of sulphar-containing amino acids and selenium.
  • It helps fight against the free radicals, is beneficial for the skin and helps prevent wrinkle formation by preventing the oxidation damage caused by ultraviolet light.
  • It acts protective in heart disease and diabetes.
  • It prevents tissue damage in case of ischemia and injury, management of leg ramps and has anticoagulant effect.
  • It is useful in restricting the the oxidation damage caused by cigarette smoking and checks tissues damges from accelerated free radicals among alcoholics.
  • It protects the body from harmful, tumor-promoting chemicals in smoked, pickled and cured foods.
  • Vitamin E decreases clotting of blood inside blood vessels, and hence, is beneficial for checking the varicose veins.

Natural Source:

Vitamin E is available in leafy vegetables, corn, soyabean wheat, and whole grain cereals, and nut and vegetables seeds oil.

It is found in milk, egg, fish and muscles. Food rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids are often rich also in Vitamin E.

The foods of animal origin are generally low in Vitamin E. It is also prepared synthetically.

Daily Requirement:

The average daily requirement is about 8 to 10 mg in males and 7-8 mg in females of Vitamin E.

Vitamin K

  • It helps to maintain normal prothrombin content in the blood.
  • It is essential in prevention of internal bleeding and hemorrhages. 
  • It is important for the normal functioning of the liver.
  • It check excessive menstrual flow in women.
  • It acts as protector against cancer, and also in reducing the loss of calcium from the bones, as one grows older and is prone to osteoporosis. 

Natural Source:

Vitain K is found in abundance in fresh green vegetables like tomato, soyabean, alfalfa, spinach, cabbage, cauliflower and port liver etc.
Corn and soya oil are also good. All fruits and cereals are, however, poor sources of vitamin K.
This vitamin is found in small quantities in milk and its products which include curds and butter milk as well.

Daily Requirment

The RDA is 50 mcg for children and 70 mcg for adults. Normal mixed diet supported with synthesis by the bacteria in the gut provides adequate amount of Vitamin K.

1 comment:

Many Many Thanks for Your Excellent Comments .