Friday, March 16, 2018

Minerals: Tips 3



  • Formation of hemoglobin by synthesis. 
  • Development of red cells by their formation and maturation.
  • Carrying of Oxygen in blood in the form of Hb; 1gm of Hb carries about 1.34 ml of oxygen.
  • Tissue oxidation as cytochrome and indophenol oxidase are iron containing compounds concerned with the oxidation of metabolites in the cells. 
  • Supply of Oxygen to the muscle, as the myoglobin of muscle, is an iron-containing chromoprotein like haeemoglomin, which combines will oxygen and acts as an oxygen store for muscle. 
  • Cell nucleus function, the chromatin of the nucleus contains iron which takes an active part in the functions of nuclei..
  • Oxidation in nerve cells, asnissl granules in the cytoplasm of the nerve cells contain organically combined iron, which serves an essential role in oxidation.There granules disappear during activity of the nerve cells, and reappear during rest. 
  • Prevents fatigue and aids growth. Iron increases resistance to stress and disease. 
Natural Source: 

All wholegrain cereals, pulses, legumes, Jaggery, fish, and animal foods like egg, liver, meat etc. and vegetables like dry lotus stem, cauliflower greens, turnip greens, lentils, peas, green leafy ones and fruits like black currants, water melons, raisins, dried dates are good sources of Iron.

Daily Requirement:

The RDA of 1.0 mg /kg for infants, 20 mg for children, 25 mg for boys, 35 mg for girls, 24 mg for adult men, 32 mg during lactation is suggested. Normal diet provides required need. Adolescent boys/girls, and women during pregnancy and lactation need more of it.  



  • Magnesium ions activate the enzyme phosphate, which accelerates the action of bone phosphates.
  • Magnesium actives muscles phosphates, and as a member of a complex co enzyme system takes part in the chemical changes underlying muscular contraction.
  • Magnesium helps formations of bone and teeth.
  • The distribution and function of magnesium ion is generally antagonistic to that of calcium ion.
  • Helps in utilization of Vitamin B and E, and functions with minerals calcium, sodium, and potassium to maintain fluid and electrolyte balance. 
  • Helps in production of lecithin, which checks cholesterol and atherosclerosis.
  • Helps in preventing calcium deposits in kidneys and gallstones. 
  • Magnesium is necessary for normal neuromuscular contractions.
  • Magnesium along with vitamin B-6 or pyridoxine is effective in prevention and treatment of kidney stones.
Natural Source:

Soyabean, leafy vegetables, and nuts are good sources of magnesium.Hard water has high magnesium content in it whereas milk is a poor source.

Daily Requirement:

The RDA for infants is 40 g during first 6 months, and later at the rate of 3.0-4.5 mg/kg weight or 350 mg for adult men and 300 mg for women. Its presence in normal diet is generally enough to meat its requirement in the body.


  • It helps the synthesis of hemoglobin, like copper but on a lesser degree.
  • A combination, of iron, copper, and manganese is given to treat hypochronic anaemia.
  • It has a role in normal reproductive physiology and producing more milk and nursing mothers.
  • Manganese ions activate many enzymes and helps in proper utilization of vitamin B and E.
  • It helpful in diabetes as it increases tolerance.
  • Manganese as a component of different enzymes helps metabolize carbohydrates, proteins, and fats.
  • It helps in combination with Choline,in digestion and utilization of fat. 
  • Manganese nourishes the brain and nerves which helps in right coordination between brain, nerves and muscles in ever part of the body.

Natural Source:

Sources of manganese are whole grain bran, seeds, nuts, shell-fish, organ meats and black tea.

Daily Requirement:

The RDA of 1.5 mg for Children and 2 to 5 mg for adults is recommended. Normal mixed diet contains about 2 mg ,which is enough.



  • It works with several enzymes engaged in sulfur metabolism, uric acid formation, and alcohol detoxification.
  • It helps in metabolism of carbohydrates and fats.
  • It is essential for the synthesis of hemoglobin and absorption of iron.
  • It promotes general well- being, and is beneficial in prevention of anaemia.

Natural Source:

Molybdenum is mainly found in whole grains, pulses, legumes, leafy vegetables, and nuts. In fact item rich in protein and iron are also rich source of molybdenum.

Daily Requirement:

The RDA of 250 mcg for children and 500 mcg for adults is recommended. The normal mixed diet will meet the requirement of molybdenum. 



  • It is essential for the formation of bones, teeth and blood.
  • It plays and important part in all metabolisms.
  • It is involved in the utilization of carbohydrates and fats, and liberates their energy at the rate demanded by the body.
  • It regulates the acid-alkaline balance of the blood which is so important for the maintenance of health and prevention of disease.
  • It provides fast relief in fracture of a bone, helps in healing process and halts loss of calcium due to injury.
  • It helps kidneys to excrete waste, and pushes us nervous health.
  • It plays a complementary role with calcium. In combination with calcium it feeds the nerves.
  • It is important for proper functioning of heart and kidney.
  • It also helps in the growth of hair.
Natural Source:

The phosphorus is found in cereals, whole meat brad and flour, wheat germ, soyabeans, almonds and other nuts,meat, poultry, fish, eggs, grapes, citrus fruits blackberries, cranberries, cucumbers, tomatoes, and watermelons.
The phosphorus present in animal foods like meat, eggs, and milk are absorbed to a greater extent.

Daily Requirement:

The RDA of 500 mg for children and 800-1200 mg for adults is recommended. It is suggested that phosphorus intake should be at lest equal to or perhaps twice as much as calcium intake.



  • It is necessary for normal muscle contraction and helps in prevention of fatigue and depression.
  • It helps reduce the risk of stroke especially in people with high blood pressure.
  • It maintains extracellular osmotic pressure as potassium chloride.
  • It maintains intracellular reaction as-phosphates, bicarbonates, and proteinates potassium constitutes a very important buffer system in the cell.
  •  It transports carbon dioxide by being present in red cells.
  • Its ions help in prolong relaxation and inhibit cardiac contraction.
  • Its ions inhibit muscular contraction.
  • It influences the function of nervous system.
  • As an alkalizing agent it prevents hyper acidity by maintaining a proper acid alkaline balance in the blood and tissues.
  • It promotes secretion of hormones and helps kidneys in detoxification of blood.
  • It prevents female hormonal disorders by stimulating the hormone production.
  • The use of potassium helps in treating low blood sugar, muscle abnormalities, leg cramps and sciatica.

Natural Source: 

Potassium is found in abundance in nuts, fruits,vinegar, paprika, green and leafy vegetables.
Its other important sources are dates, wheat germ, potatoes, bananas, tomatoes, spinach, oranges, meat,cabbage, peas, peanuts, skimmed milk powder, seeds, fish and poultry.

Daily Requirment:

The RDA of 2 gm of children and 4 mg for adults is recommended.

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